๐Ÿ”ฅ Build Your Why NOW (STIMY #39)


A STIMY Course?!


I tried textured art for the first time at a bachelorette party last weekend. It was... interesting.

We were split into two rows and to our shock, an instant 'theme' emerged:

The 3 of us who were seated along the same row were the 'impulsive' ones. The moment we were handed our paint and plaster, we started slapping them onto our canvas without a plan in sight.

As you can see from the photo above, mine was an unmitigated disaster. I was stressed the entire time ๐Ÿ˜‚

Whoever said that painting is a relaxing activity lied!

Meanwhile, the girls in the other row were very intentional with their work. We were halfway through our canvas and they were still at the Pinterest-researching / planning stage!

Which made me reflect on how I tend to approach my work. It's 2 extremes: I can be both highly impulsive (as with painting & travel) and also highly detailed, obsessively researching to the nth degree.

(One STIMY guest once said that my knowledge of him was so in-depth, it was 'creepy'. Oops!).

That said, the latter can be an Achilles heel. Like when it took me almost 6 months to launch the 1st STIMY episode.

And how I've spoken about launching a STIMY course for a year but have nothing to show for it (except for copious amounts of notes, research & offline conversations). ๐Ÿ˜ซ

So I decided to be brave and earlier this week, I announced that I would be pre-selling the beta version of the STIMY Course (known as "Build Your Why")!

Why the presale?

Pre-sale means that anyone can join the course now if you're interested, before it's even created!

It's a test on my end - I believe this course will be of interest to people but I don't actually know if there is any actual demand until it's been released.

It's one thing to have people say "I'd really love to join your course!" and another for them to say:

"I'd love to join and will pay you the fees NOW!"

Why should anyone sign up NOW?

Because you'll get

  • To see the raw, behind-the-scenes of the Build Your Why course being built;
  • Be an active contributor to the creation of the course (i.e. "I want this information which you haven't covered, please add it in");
  • Join at a massive 50% discount - you're showing huge faith by signing up for something that doesn't even exist yet, hence the huge one-off discount; and
  • Get to participate in the course again when it officially launches FOR FREE.

Why launch it now?

In my first year out of employment, I knew I wanted to focus on providing premium 1:1 personal branding services to clients to:

  • Build successful case studies - proving that what I know works not just for my own personal brand, but others too;
  • Understand what everyone's real pain points are
  • Avoid burnout

But STIMY is in its 2nd year!

Which means that it's time to implement everything I've learned...

What makes Build Your Why special?

There are many personal branding experts, digital products and courses teaching people the same thing, i.e. "how to build a personal brand".

I've seen them all and agonised over what else I could bring to the table that was different.

It took awhile, but I realised that STIMY had taught me that:

  • People love the questions that I ask - the biggest feedback I get is "you ask such good questions!"
  • People love the research that I do - "how do you even know these things?!"

And I realised that the ability to ask good questions & do good research are fundamental skills that people:

  • Struggle with; and
  • Need in their lives - especially in day-to-day interactions.

Those skills also form the foundation for building your personal brand.

Because most people think that:

  • "I'm a very boring person. I have nothing to share."
  • "I don't know what stories to share about myself (despite being in the industry for 20+ years."
  • "I don't know what personal stories are relevant and how that relates to my goal of [getting headhunters to contact me for job opportunities.]"

which is where the Build Your Why course comes in.

The Big Idea

The Build Your Why course will teach you how to:

  • Figure out the OBJECTIVES behind building your personal brand (+ telling people about who you are/what you do in other scenarios);
  • Ask yourself the RIGHT QUESTIONS - with samples drawn from past STIMY guests;
  • Take your answers and ALIGN them with your OBJECTIVES;
  • Create a COMPELLING STORY from the answers you've extracted from yourself; and
  • Do it together as a COMMUNITY (giving each other feedback / engagement etc.)

Are you intrigued?

P/S: The 50% discount applies only for the beta launch; it wouldn't be offered again.

Hit REPLY / EMAIL me if you have any questions!

STIMY Hangout is BACK!

STIMY Hangouts is something that I started ~2 years ago while working as a lawyer. It began with a little LinkedIn post where I asked:

"Do you want to meet new & interesting people?"

To my surprise, that post went semi-viral & reached thousands of people.

Thus began STIMY Hangout: A physical hangout for anyone to come & make new friends.

There is no agenda, but I wanted it to be meaningful which is why every STIMY Hangout has the following 2 elements:

  • Besties: Before every hangout, people are matched to a list of 3-5 Besties according to the information that they provide in the registration form, e.g. their work, interests, goals etc. Each people gets a personalised list of "Besties" and the reason why they have been assigned those besties via email. And on the day, the "Hunt for my Besties" begins! A more interesting way to meet someone new other than saying "Hi, I'm XYZ."
  • Takeaway gift - Words of Affirmation: Everyone gets some colourful stickers & a mounting board. Every time you finish a conversation with someone, write something nice about them on a sticker and stick it on their board. At the end of the STIMY Hangout, everyone brings home a board full of nice things that people have written about them

There have been 5 STIMY Hangouts to date, held in KL, London and Singapore.

They take a lot of work which is why I fell off the bandwagon once I started working on STIMY full time. ๐Ÿ˜…

But it's been over a year and I think it's time to bring this back to life which is why...

The next STIMY Hangout has been fixed!

Date: 13 July 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 2pm

Venue: UOB Plaza 1, 7, Jln Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Interesting Discoveries

I spend hours stalking people on LinkedIn & love finding interesting posts that inspire thought and teach me how to be a better writer/creator on the platform. Not every viral post "makes sense", but here are some that caught my eye this week.

Can you deduce why they have gone viral?

  1. โ€‹The self-employed goose farmer?โ€‹
  2. โ€‹Reddit hit 1M users in 1 year. Its CTO shares how they did it (p/s: listen to your customers but DON'T do what they tell you to do!)
  3. โ€‹How some brands (like Lush) get away with NO advertisingโ€‹
  4. โ€‹A funny, but very real, look at the corporate world today + tech we useโ€‹

You're not boring. You just need...

To follow this simple 5-step process!


We all want something

But they don't drop from the sky...



Phew this has been quite the edition! Hope you enjoyed it. I'll be providing little updates on the Build Your Why Course as it develops because it's now my new baby and with actual paid participants (thank you to those who have already joined!!), I'm more fired up than ever to make this an incredible course.


As always, you'll be getting behind-the-scenes into the course creation e.g. why I decided on a 6-week course, how I'm extracting the questions from past STIMY interviews etc.


And not forgetting the release of a brand new STIMY episode this Sunday. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Gosh. It's hectic here at STIMY!

Ling Yah

Say ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป on LinkedIn, Instagram or Discordโ€‹


It takes 60+ hours to produce 1 STIMY episode.


If you'd like to help keep STIMY going, you can become a Patreon member for as little as $0.10/day!

Can this STIMY Newsletter be improved?


Let me know by hitting REPLY or EMAIL sothisismywhy@gmail.com!