๐Ÿ”ฅ An Open Door (STIMY #40)


I've Been Retrenched?!


First up, here's a reminder that today is the deadline for joining the STIMY Hangout that's happening next Saturday at 2pm:

If you can't submit the form by tomorrow but would still like to join, please email me.

I'll need the numbers to start preparing materials and that takes time!

P/S: The photo is a sneak peek of the location! We will have the chairs/tables removed so that there is plenty of space to mingle and make new friends. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Personal Reflections

It's been a week of intense conversations.

On one hand, I've had friends sharing their major highs: Landing 8-figure contracts with major enterprises, making big hires, quitting their jobs to follow their passions, and expanding their businesses because of high demand.

Then I've met people who tell me, "I've just been retrenched. Can you give me some advice?"

It's always heartbreaking to receive these messages โ˜น๏ธ

But it makes me think of how important building a personal brand is.

At the start of my career, I didn't understand how important it would be to not just do good work but ensure that people know that you're doing good work.

Yet assuming that you do the latter, the people who are aware of your achievements tend to be confined only to those within your company.

People outside your company don't know what you've achieved.

And if the people outside don't know...

Why would headhunters or future employers approach you?

Where would those brand partnership offers come from?

You're stuck when you get hit with a retrenchment notice.

You only have 4-8 weeks to scramble for the next gig.

Contrast that with someone who's actively building a presence online and leveraging on platforms like LinkedIn.

Example: Chloe Shihโ€‹

Several weeks ago, Chloe publicly announced that she'd be let go from her position as Product Manager at Discord.

She recorded her entire reaction, what she did in the weeks after etc. and while this very public display of what she's going through might prove too much for most, my main takeaway is this:

Yes, she loved her job in tech.

Yes, she had no intention of leaving.

BUT because she'd spent so much time building an online presence, she wasn't left entirely in a lurch.

She already had sponsorship deals and side incomes being generated from her online work. She now has the freedom to choose to take her first-ever gap year and explore as many creative side quests as possible.

Retrenchment wasn't the end of the world for her.

But the potential start of a new adventure.

And I get it.

I was able to make my own career pivot because I started building things online and sharing my journey.

That sharing naturally attracted people interested in the same things (aka my tribe). And since I was talking about what I was interested in, I'd get friends/strangers messaging me going:

  • Hey Ling Yah, you mentioned wanting to do this. Maybe consider approaching this person? I can make an introduction!
  • I love what you're doing and would love to collaborate. Shall we chat?

Not every request/potential collaboration worked out.

Most didn't.

But over time, enough doors opened that allowed me to quit law to build my own business. And I've seen doors open for other people leading to...

  • An invitation to become a board member of a prestigious organisation;
  • An opportunity to collaborate with their favourite brands; and
  • Make friends with people who are equally 'crazy' about the things that they love, e.g. Figma, cooking, travelling etc.

The sky's the limit once you start putting yourself out there.

So why aren't you?

Cheeky Plug

This is where I include a cheeky plug for the beta launch of the Build Your Why course if you're thinking of building your personal brand today!

We don't have to be a Chloe Shih, but the ability to know how to share our story to the right audience will always be invaluable.

We need to future proof our careers because no one else will!

Find out more about the Build Your Why course HERE.

P/S: Thank you to those who have signed up to join the course!! I love that we've got people from the US, Singapore and Malaysia.

Interesting Discoveries

I spend hours stalking people on LinkedIn & love finding interesting posts that inspire thought and teach me how to be a better writer/creator on the platform. Not every viral post "makes sense", but here are some interesting ones that caught my eye this week.

Can you deduce why they have gone viral?

  1. โ€‹Years ago, I hired a PM who message me on LinkedIn - Adam shares how cold LinkedIn DMs can land you that new job! He also included the DM used in a post that's gone viral
  2. โ€‹Never badmouth your competitor unless you do it like this - a classic Pepsi v Coke analysis by the Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine that went really, really viral this week!
  3. โ€‹Is this a d*ck move? - a very hot topic on being 1 minute late to a minute?! Comments are heated.
  4. โ€‹Too many people lie on LinkedIn - I really appreciated this honest post by the former Head of Night Studios who explained that Night Studios had shut down because we didn't get the job done.
  5. โ€‹Do you believe in free work? - The poll results on whether believe in doing free work has been really interesting!

Ling Yah

Say ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป on LinkedIn, Instagram or Discordโ€‹


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Can this STIMY Newsletter be improved?


Let me know by hitting REPLY or EMAIL sothisismywhy@gmail.com!


And don't forget to check out the Build Your Why course HERE!